Statistical Validity of Tools and Processes

When you hire a consultant or choose an assessment provider, you should confirm their tools and processes are valid. Can your consultant provide hard evidence that their methods actually work? How do they calculate validity and significance? Please ask these questions of your would-be vendors.

We are proud to say our tools and processes are valid and effective at ThinkPlanLaunch. They have been subjected to rigorous third-party testing over the past 3 decades by TTI Success Insights, who we have chosen to partner with for this exact reason. There is no other talent assessment provider in existence who has done the same level of research, development, and validity testing.

Our Tools & Processes Have Been Featured In

Legal Compliance

Legal compliance is an important consideration alongside validity. For your protection, we encourage you to ask prospective vendors if their products and processes are legally compliant.

Through our partnership with TTI Success Insights, we provide solutions that are 100% compliant with state and federal law.

In our 2014 Adverse Impact Study, it was concluded that none of our tools, processes, or systems could cause adverse impact with respect to race, gender, veteran status, or disability. All subgroups were found to be fully EEOC compliant, well within the established guidelines.

Considerable time and resources have gone into ensuring our products and solutions are safe to use. All of our tools and processes are non-discriminatory and Safe Harbor approved – and none of them exclude any protected categories.

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